Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct For Student

Career achievement through education is possible with certain code of conduct. At SVCE every student is expected to adhere to the following code of conduct:

  1. The students are advised to refer regularly to all notices displayed at various places on the notice board. Ignorance of the same shall not be entertained as an excuse.
  2. A student must follow dress code and possess his/her I card- which must be produced on the demand by the Institute Authorities.
  3. 75% attendance is a must at classroom, throughout the academic year. Field work would require 100% attendance and participation of every student. A shortfall in this requirement implies that the student will not be eligible to appear for the final examination.
  4. Students will have to pay additional extra for Value-added courses and placement activities.
  5. Timely payments of fees and contributions are mandatory to facilitate the functioning of the Institute effectively.
  6. Obedience of the instructions of teachers/staff and the other college authorities.
  7. Absence from tests/examination/tutorials and non-submission of assignments in time will make a student ineligible for internal assessment. No excuse will be entertained.
  8. Attending the Institute organized Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, Guest Lectures and formal functions are mandatory for the students.
  9. Students should note that smoking, tobacco chewing, spitting etc. is strictly prohibited in the Institute premises.
  10. Students must deactivate Mobile or Cell Phones in the classrooms or laboratories or during academic activities.
  11. Students must observe strict discipline in the Institute premises and should not disturb the teaching and administration in any manner whatsoever.
  12. Use of Internet for the purpose other than academic related activities, is strictly banned. Use of Social networking sites is banned.
  13. Students should take proper care of the Institute property and help in keeping the premises neat and clean. Any damage, whatsoever done will be treated as a serious breach of discipline and the cost of the damage(s) will be recovered from students.
  14. No Society or Association shall be formed by the students in the Institute and no person should be invited to attend and address any meeting without prior permission of the Director.
  15. Gathering of any kind or any other similar programme/functions which are likely to disrupt the academic atmosphere of the Institute campus shall not be permitted.
  16. No four wheelers are allowed for students in the Institute Campus.
  17. SVCE constituted Internal Complaint committee to redress the issues related to sexual harassment of woman employees and students.
  18. Ragging of any sort is strictly prohibited and will be dealt with seriously as per the provisions of the Maharashtra Ragging Prohibition Act 1999. Anyone found indulging in any ragging within or outside the Institute shall be instantly expelled from the Institute as per Savitribai Phule Pune University Circular no. 170 of 2009.

Code of Ethics For Teaching Staff

  1. The roles and responsibilities assigned to teaching staff will be as per statute of Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994, Statutes, Code of Conduct, Ordinances and Rules and Regulations laid down by the Savitribai Phule Pune University, U.G.C, A.I.C.T.E. New Delhi, NCTE Bhopal and State Government from time to time.
  2. Employee’s appointment will be on a full time basis on probation of two years from the date of your joining the duties.
  3. Employee should submit all the originals as well as certified true copies of relevant testimonials such as birth date certificate, mark sheets, experience certificate, discharge/relieving certificate, Last Pay Certificate, Caste Certificate, Change of name certificate (if any), etc. before joining your duties.
  4. Employee shall undergo medical examination by the approved Medical Officer or by the Civil Surgeon at the place of your duty, within three months from the date of joining the duties. The appointment shall be provisional and conditional, pending submission of Medical Certificate stating that you are free from any contagious disease and that you are physically fit for employment on the staff of the College/Institution.
  5. Employee are required to give the correct mailing address as soon as you join the duties and any change in the address given earlier should be communicated to the Principal / Director. It would be presumed that any letter sent by Registered post Acknowledgement Due [RPAD] on the address given shall be deemed to have been acknowledged duly signed by you.
  6. Employee will not conduct or engage himself/herself in any private tuitions or private coaching classes.
  7. Employee will not engage in any other paid job, full-time, part-time or otherwise, during the continuance of your service, without the permission of any competent authority / Management.
  8. If employee wish to pursue any course or degree during his/her tenure of service, will have to take prior permission from the concerned authority.
  9. Employee’s services are transferable to any other College / Institution run by the Management.
  10. His/Her appointment may be terminated, at any time, by either side / party, by giving three months’ notice or three months’ pay in lieu of notice period in case the period spent in service is more than six months.
  11. If you are found absent continuously for more than 30 days without permission, your service will stand terminated automatically. If you are found guilty of violation of any terms and conditions mentioned above, you will be liable for disciplinary action and punishment decided by the Management as provided for in the Statutes. During the period of your service, you shall not directly or indirectly, do such things which are subversive to the interest of the Society /University / Institute / College/Students.
  12. Employee will not be allowed to take / carry any documents or material outside institute’s premise without permission. Hence it will be treated as violation of Code of conduct and institute will have full right take to action against it.
  13. Employees should regularly use bio-metric attendance system while entering and going out from the premises. On the basis of bio-metric attendance the computation of Salary will be done.
  14. He/ She needs to wear Identity Card (Ids) while present in the premises.
  15. Employee cannot deny any duty or responsibility given by Head of Institute / Management.
  16. Force termination of service will be given if anyone found guilty in misconduct or misbehavior in the institute

Duties and responsibilities of teaching staff

  1. Teachers need to submit their teaching plan (subject notes, presentations, class material etc.) to the Head of the Department /Principal / Director.
  2. Need to submit student’s class-wise attendance at the end of every month to Head of the Department / Principal / Director.
  3. Publishing of at least 02 research papers in a Year – State/National/International Journal is mandatory.
  4. Attend minimum one workshop in a year related to the subject.
  5. Attend 02 seminars / conferences related to the subject in a year.
  6. Attend 01 faculty Development program.
  7. Seminar/Conference/ Workshop/FDP Symposium fees will be reimbursed. Amount paid for registration provided on paper/poster is being presented at the same. This amount will be reimbursed to a maximum extent of Rs 3000 per year, per faculty member.
  8. Each faculty member has to arrange one guest lecture of his/her subject.
  9. Each faculty has to give one presentation in recent development in their subject in the presence of the Expert/ Management representative.
  10. Each faculty has to actively participate in the event management of various programs in the Institute.
  11. Each faculty has to enhance the performance of their results by taking extra efforts.
  12. Each faculty has to test the basic knowledge of the students before starting the sessions in the class.
  13. Each faculty has to conduct extra sessions for weaker students and/or conduct remedial classes.
  14. Each faculty has to become member of computer Society of India-Chapter Pune, or any other related associations.
  15. The faculty has to present the paper in front of the expert before sending the paper in any journal.
  16. Each faculty has to take some measures to see that students complete at least 75% attendance.
  17. Each faculty has to review 01 Book per year related to the subject the faculty is teaching.
  18. Each faculty has to recommend latest reference books / latest editions to the library.

Leave Policy of Institute of Science, Poona

1) First and Third Saturday of the month will be off day. (These days can be cancelled subject to University schedules/Institutional work). Compensatory off will be given in case worked on those days

2) Compensatory off’s should be availed within two months subject to prior permission.

3) Total No of Casual Leaves: – 10 (per calendar year)

4) The casual leave shall not be entitled more than 3 days at a time together with prefix/suffix Sundays/Holidays.

5) Total No of Medical Leaves: – 10 (per calendar year)

6) Medical leave will be approved, only after submission of proper medical certificate from practitioner M.D. Medical leaves will not be accumulated.

7) No leave will be granted if it is taken without prior notice.

8) All the leave approval / rejections should be subject to sanction from the authority.

9) Any leave taken apart from said leaves will be considered as Leaves without pay

General Rules and Guideline

Fees and Contributions

The fees for individual / specific course includes fees for Internal examinations and practical and also contribute to library, sports and students’ welfare activities, excursions etc. will be informed to the students while taking admissions to the various courses made available by this Institute under the directives of the Savitribai Phule Pune University. Students are advised to take receipt of any and every amount paid to the Institute. No complaint will be heard for non-receipted payment.